Part 1

Day 1: Geel - Linnich 126km

We started in Geel April the 16th, via the canal to Holland, through the "Laurabossen, to Linnich at the Rur-river in Germany. The sun was present.



Day 2: Linnich - Bad Breisig 115km

Further along the Rur to Düren and then a shortcut until Bad Breisig on the Rhine. Here we come to the "Limes- cyling route": a cycling route that follows the northren border of the Roman Empire, as it existed at the beginning of our era. We followed this route till Paks in Hungary.



Day 3: Bad Breisig - Trechtingshausen 95,5km

Following the Rhine, passing the "Deutsche Ecke" in Koblenz and the "Loreley" without problems.



Dag 4: Trechtingshausen - Mühlheim am Main 96km

Along the Rhine till Mainz, there we toke the cycling road along the Main-river. Airplanes are flying just above our heads in order of landing in the airport of Frankfurt am Main



Day 5: Mühlheim am Main - Hardheim 104km

Today it is Eastern and we see a lot of Eastern decoration in the towns and villages. We are still following the Main, passing Niederenberg and Miltenberg, with an historical center. Here we are leaving the Main and we 'll be climbing during 20 km until Hardheim



Day 6: Hardheim - Leutershausen 106km




Day 7: Leutershausen - Kinding 109km




Day8: Kinding - Regensburg 92km



 next days : click here